Friday 29 March 2013

What are the main possible themes for The Tempest?

First lesson we sat and discussed possible themes for Shakespeare's 'Tempest'.
-Arranged Marriage: The planned romance between Miranda and Ferdinand by Prospero
-Magic: The obvious sorcery that is prominent in the plot and manipulation by Pospero, Ariel, and the Spirits
-Ostracized: The shipwrecked get split up and cast away from reality
- Slavery: Ariel and Caliban being subject to slavery from Prospero. Miranda also captive, and the shipwrecked under control.

Will questioned if we were going to give the play a new concept or stage it in a creative way, what would we do. I came up with the theory that the island is Prospero's personal game. He is 'game master' and controls all their journey's round the 'board'. Taking themes from other literary sources like Suzanne Collins' "Hunger Games" and possibly something as lighthearted as "The Truman Show" comes the idea of all shipwrecked men split up and finding their way back together. Just an idea that would be played with further.

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