Friday 29 March 2013

First reaction to the theme

I believe African's have a more grounded, natural physicality and movement to the British so this should be interesting to help personify an indigenous character. Being involved with set and costume should be a good way of creating a completely different atmosphere, it will also help greatly in differentiating the nationalities. I like the fact we are able to bring politics to such a mystical and fantasy based story.  

Things will have to work on to be good at Shakespeare:
Articulation and Pronounciation
Line learning - Have a poetic mind, and be able to convince details
Know your objectives and motives
Speak in iambic pentameter
Know where the 'caesura' is
Find antithesis, find the light and dark in each line.

"Every single character on stage should take pride in their scars"
We've all been affected by a chain of events. Take pride in the journey your character took to get to this moment in time.

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