Friday 10 May 2013

Another version of the tempest

I was searching online and found this 'Steampunk' version of The Tempest. I watched the trailer and thinks it looks really good.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Shakespeare Workshop on the 26th of April

I took the Professional Opportunities on the 26th with a lady called Chloe Stephens. She is a respected actress, choreographer and teacher after studying at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and told us that she recently worked as Assistant Choreographer at Shakespeare's Globe theatre.
She told us the workshop she had planned wouldn't be 100% useful because it was more tailored towards the start of our Shakespeare process.
It was a workshop on characterization bringing an animal's qualities to our roles. Picking one particular animal to recreate the goddess was hard because I feel that character is complex in her physicality and her origins, so eventually i settle on one single aspect of Iris which I chose to be a swan, due to her power and high position over humans. I thought they are elegant yet strong and suited an element of Iris. It was interesting taking our physicalities from 100% animal 0% human, to about 40% animal 60% human because you really saw the colours of the characters coming through.
It was a good workshop but it wasn't fully appropriate to our stage in the Shakespeare process but oh well
 ( it also made a group of us late for rehearsal with Katie so no brownie points there!)

The Bermuda Shipwreck!

A source of events from the Bermuda shipwreck of 1609

1.   A voyage to Italy within the Mediterranean.

2.   Discord among the participants; the crew against the passengers.

3.   The ship driven by a ‘tempest’. (Physical vs Mental)

4.   Loss of hope.

5.   An angel visits the ship; (compare to Ariel? or Sprites)

6.   Desperate maneuvers to avoid the lee shore of an unknown island.

7.   Detailed description of nautical techniques.

8.   The ship runs aground and splits.

9.   Passengers and crew swim ashore on loose or broken timbers;

 compare to Stephano coming ashore on a butt of sack.

10.  The island has barbarous inhabitants; (compare to Caliban? Or even Prospero          and Miranda?)

11.  Supernatural involvement. ( heavily influencing Shakespeare's work?)

12.  A seeming miracle; St. Paul immune to snakebite.

13.  A safe trip to Italy after a stay on the island.


There are no exact references or links to this event and no one has ever officially classified it as being a copy but you can't copyright inspiration, as Shakespeare has tested on many of his plays.